VII International Exhibiton of Graphic Humor - Lima 2014
Dear colleagues and ar.sts: El Peru wears joy, crea.vity and art with the comple.on of the VII Interna.onal Exhibi.on of Graphic Humor ...
El Peru wears joy, crea.vity and art with the comple.on of the VII Interna.onal Exhibi.on of Graphic
Humor - Lima 2014.
This event brings together representa.ves of different global gag cartoon, as in previous edi.ons, raise
awareness in society about the care of the environment through graphic works. The theme for this year is
The opening of the interna.onal quality event will take place Thursday, September 4 with the traveling
exhibi.on of the different graphic pieces. This exhibi.on will cover the most areas of the
Peruvian capital and later within the country.
In addi.on, all the ar.sts whose works are selected for the sample receive by post our official catalog, in
which the various works forming part of the exhibi.on will be found.
The success of the Interna.onal Exhibi.on of Graphic Humor, considered one of the most important art
events in La.n America, is up to you.
1. The who wishes to par.cipate in the VII Interna.onal Exhibi.on of Graphic Humor - Lima 2014 shall
send to the organizers their personal details (full name, address, contact number, address) accompanied by
his work, a brief autobiographical and photography and / or caricature.
2. Contestants must adhere to the chosen theme for this sixth edi.on: “Climate Change”.
3. The may submit two works from his personal archives. These may have been published and / or
previously awarded.
4. The work must have a resolu.on of at least 300 dpi and a minimum size of A-4 (30 x 21 cm.)
5. The works, along with the required data must only be sent to official e-mail:
6. The closing date is 30 June 2014.
7. The works received passing selec.on form the exhibi.on which is scheduled for Thursday September 4,
8. The ar.sts whose works are selected will receive a copy of the Official Catalogue of Humor, which has
published the different jobs received .
9. The allows the organizers to use his work for adver.sing pieces The Chart Show Humor required to
promote the event (posters, t-shirts, press releases, etc.).
10. Upon registra.on, the accepts all the condi.ons laid down in the rules of the compe..on for the
VII Interna.onal Exhibi.on of Humor Graphic.