1 – This contest and exhibition is open to all professional and amateur cartoonists of any
nationality religion and ect…
2 – Subjects:
“Olive and Women”
(Cartoons against detroying the olive trees, olive, olive industry, olive oil, olive branch, olive
tree, cutting olive trees, benefit from olive etc...)
3 – Pieces of work to be sent for the contest should have the form of a cartoon… Pictures
and illustrations will not be accepted…
4 – Cartoons to be sent for the contest should be in digital format... The sizes A4 or A3; with
a minimum 300 dpi JPG... Coloural or black and white… Name, surname, address, phone
number and e – mail address of each participant should be indicated… Cartoons submitted
for the contest should not contain any script – writing on them...
5 – The cartoons submitted to the contest which will be pre-elected will be put and exhibited
on a web page for the attention and objection of international cartoon associations to
overcome copying and steeling… Any cartoon which is copied, stolen or awarded in other
cartoon contest will be disqualified…
6 – All participants are allowed to submit maximum two (2) cartoons…
7 – All the cartoons must reach to the specified address till 20 SEPTEMBER 2014…
8 – Being published or not is not important for the cartoons… The important thing is that
they should not be awarded in any contest…
9 – All cartoons eligible for an award or not shall not be returned and shall be stored in
archive of the "Cyprus International Catoon Museum."
10 – Besides those cartoons which will be awarded, all the cartoons approved by the
selection committee will be pubicated in an album and exhibited in Kyrenia village during the
“13. International Olive Festival”.
11 – Results of the competition, as well as the selection committee decisions, will be
released to the cartoonists who have qualified to receive awards, all participants and press...
The transfer and accomodation expenses of the cartoonists who will win the first
three awards will be paid by the Municipality of Kyrenia…
Only the accomodation expenses of the cartoonists who will win
particular/distinctive awards will be paid by the Municipality of Kyrenia…
12 – All cartoons sent to the contest; card, poster, album, newspaper, magazine can be
reproducible using CD and or other technigues… All participants have a ccepted the terms of
the contest by submitting their works… The participants financial compensation in the future
for all the above mentioned reproducible works…
1st Prize: 1.000 Euro + Gold Olive (Medal)
2nd Prize: 800 Euro + Silver Olive (Medal)
3rd Prize: 600 Euro + Bronz Olive (Medal)
10 or 20 person “Special Prize” (Olive Medal)
1 – This contest and exhibition is open to all professional and amateur cartoonists of any
nationality religion and ect…
2 – Subjects:
“Olive and Women”
(Cartoons against detroying the olive trees, olive, olive industry, olive oil, olive branch, olive
tree, cutting olive trees, benefit from olive etc...)
3 – Pieces of work to be sent for the contest should have the form of a cartoon… Pictures
and illustrations will not be accepted…
4 – Cartoons to be sent for the contest should be in digital format... The sizes A4 or A3; with
a minimum 300 dpi JPG... Coloural or black and white… Name, surname, address, phone
number and e – mail address of each participant should be indicated… Cartoons submitted
for the contest should not contain any script – writing on them...
5 – The cartoons submitted to the contest which will be pre-elected will be put and exhibited
on a web page for the attention and objection of international cartoon associations to
overcome copying and steeling… Any cartoon which is copied, stolen or awarded in other
cartoon contest will be disqualified…
6 – All participants are allowed to submit maximum two (2) cartoons…
7 – All the cartoons must reach to the specified address till 20 SEPTEMBER 2014…
8 – Being published or not is not important for the cartoons… The important thing is that
they should not be awarded in any contest…
9 – All cartoons eligible for an award or not shall not be returned and shall be stored in
archive of the "Cyprus International Catoon Museum."
10 – Besides those cartoons which will be awarded, all the cartoons approved by the
selection committee will be pubicated in an album and exhibited in Kyrenia village during the
“13. International Olive Festival”.
11 – Results of the competition, as well as the selection committee decisions, will be
released to the cartoonists who have qualified to receive awards, all participants and press...
The transfer and accomodation expenses of the cartoonists who will win the first
three awards will be paid by the Municipality of Kyrenia…
Only the accomodation expenses of the cartoonists who will win
particular/distinctive awards will be paid by the Municipality of Kyrenia…
12 – All cartoons sent to the contest; card, poster, album, newspaper, magazine can be
reproducible using CD and or other technigues… All participants have a ccepted the terms of
the contest by submitting their works… The participants financial compensation in the future
for all the above mentioned reproducible works…
1st Prize: 1.000 Euro + Gold Olive (Medal)
2nd Prize: 800 Euro + Silver Olive (Medal)
3rd Prize: 600 Euro + Bronz Olive (Medal)
10 or 20 person “Special Prize” (Olive Medal)