The IV International competition of a cartoons and caricatures "The Devil gas station"
The IV International competition of a cartoons and caricatures "The Devil gas station" within the International festival of art...
The IV International competition of a cartoons and caricatures "The Devil gas station"
within the International festival of arts "Gogol fantasy". Competition is devoted to terrorism supported by Putin's Russia in the World. It is dated for Birthday of the Main Instigator of Wars – Vladimir Putin (10. 07.2014).
Organizers: Valerii Kruhov the International festival of arts "Gogol - fantasy" (Kherson, Ukraine).
Mikhail Shlafer the exhibition "Carluka" (Poltava, Ukraine).
Chairman of jury: Michail Zlatkovsky, Moskow, Russia.
Competition subjects
Oleg Dergachov, Monreal, Canada.
Sergey Sichenko, Haifa,Izrael.
Valeriy Kurtu, Berlin, Germany. . Viktor Bogorad, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Valerii Kruhov, Kherson, Ukraine.
The structure of jury is formed.
I. "Devil gas station or Mad gas station". Competition of cartoons. The subject opens the participation of the Putin power in kindling of the fires of war in different parts of World: Ukraine, Israel with Palestine, in the conflict of Azerbaijan-Armenia and other countries, financing and direct arms of supplies to terrorists who brought down the Malaysian civil airplane "Boeing".
II. Putin-Lavrov-Churkin triad of War and Big LIE. Competition of сaricatures.
The first place a figurine – the prize is the Big bronze "Rudy Panko".
For the second place - Small bronze Rudy Panko. For the third place - "Rudy Panko" in the form of a traditional interior doll. All figurines - handiworks of masters of Ukraine.
You can see the photos of figurines prizes is lower on this page.
10 Diplomas of the competition
Authors of cartoons/caricatures of the total catalog will receive an author's copy.
The prize fund is forming.
Competition conditions. 1. To send new cartoons which didn't take prizes at other competitions. Cartoons which took prizes at other competitions aren't considered and will be removed from participation in competition.
2 . The manner of execution is free. Format of cartoons in electronic form: JPEG (3MB - 4MB), 300 dpi. to the address:
Accompanying inscription to a caricature: in Ukrainian, German, Russian or English: nomination, surname, name of the author, contacts, creative biography.
3 . In the nomination No. 2 - to specify what politician is drawn.
4 . Carrying out terms From August 15, 2014 to October 1, 2014 - reception of works in electronic form on a site and voting on a site in the sections "Caricature" and "Cartoons". The final decision for selection of cartoons in the total catalog and definitions of prize-winners belongs to competition jury. On October 1 - the publication on a site of the list of 50-80 cartoons/caricatures which will be included in the Devil Gas Station catalog. Till October 7, 2014 Authors of cartoons/caricatures of the catalog, send the originals (or qualitative author's copies, the A4 format - A3 (more preferable) and a personal photo (A6 format) to the address:
Kruhov Valerii.
73034, Ukraine, Kherson, p.o. box 16.
On October 7, 2014 - the announcement of results of competition on a web site in the section "News". Artists of cartoons/caricatures who will be included in the catalog will receive author's copies to prize-winners prizes will be given out.
Presentation of exhibition, catalog: October, 2014 - January, 2015
Provision of the competition
1 . Any author without restrictions can become the participant of competition. The manner of execution the free.
Provision of the competition
1 . Any author without restrictions can become the participant of competition. The manner of execution the free.
2 . Violation of copyright isn't admissible! 3 . Cartoons/Caricatures have to answer the moral standards accepted in democratic society. Shouldn't contain the scenes of excessive cruelty or pornography.
4 . In case of violation of Conditions and the Provision of competition - cartoons will be removed from competition without explanation. "Gogol fantasy" of is corresponded with authors only on pages of the official site of the International festival of arts
5 . By sending the cartoons to competition the author of accepts conditions of the IV International competition of a caricature "The devil gas station"
without any exception and restrictions. 6 . Till the beginning of the competition (on August 15, 2014) changes, additions can be made to Conditions and the Provision of competition; directed on competition improvement.
7 . By sending the cartoons the author automatically agrees with all conditions of the competition
8. The cartoons of participants of the competition can be used by organizers of the competition for holding exhibitions, promoting the competition, the web site, the festival of arts. Cartoons of winners remain in property of organizers of the competition.
9 . Information to artists participating in competition and to fans of a cartoons/caricature: in case of obvious repetitions among the works sent to competition and laid out on a site in the section «Cartoon» and «Caricatures»! acceptance of a final decision on a caricature is assigned to a jury discretion.
10 . In the course of carrying out competition of any of sites organizers can become the main platform of demonstration of caricatures and cartoons.