3rd International Cartoon Contest Sinaloa 2014, México

3rd International Cartoon Contest Sinaloa 2014, México 1. PARTICIPATION The Contest is open to all cartoonists from all over the world and...

3rd International Cartoon Contest Sinaloa 2014, México
The Contest is open to all cartoonists from all over the world and beyond.
2. THEME: Corruption.
Corruption is a social disease that has always been common to humanity: What produces it? It is inherent to humans? Is it possible to eradicate?
This year we are inviting you to express your personal opinion on this distressing problem found across the world.
1st Prize: $2000 US dollars.
2nd Prize: $1500 US dollars.
3rd Prize: $1000 US dollars.
Winners will be notified by e-mail after 12 December 2014.
A maximum of 3 works can be submitted by E-mail in any media, in black and white or colour, but they should not have received a prize in other contests.
Works should have a minimum resolution of 200 dpi and keep the proportions of a Letter size paper sheet (21.5cms x 27.9cms). They should be sent to any of the following:
5. DEADLINE: November 24, 2014
6. PLEASE FILL IN THE ENTRY FORM AND SEND IT TOGETHER WITH YOUR WORK (The entry form can be downloaded from http://concursosinaloa2014.orgfree.com).
. Name
. Photograph
. Address
. E-mail
7. A catalogue with the winners and selected works will be available on the web page of the contest:
Copyright belongs to authors. The Contest will use some works, but only for promotional purposes, such as publicity, the catalogue and the press.
Entry Form in word and PDF on source.

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