Men Are Equal...

Whenever I used to travel by air in Economy class I was amused to see the air hostesses tumbling over each other to serve the ‘rare speci...

Whenever I used to travel by air in Economy class I was amused to see the air hostesses tumbling over each other to serve the ‘rare species’ up in the front, lounging in the Business Class, while we in Economy waited at the back, at the end of long cues, holding on to our bladders...
All men are not equal , these hostesses seemed to procaim...
Yeah...I now know that:)
Even during your one way trip to your Maker:)
Power and money call the shots...

by  Tvg Menon, ‎India

News: Second international cartoon contest and exhibition, Norway 2017


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Results of "Freedom of Expression" International Cartoon Contest 2017

I am happy to announce the name of results of "Freedom of Expression" International Cartoon Contest 2017. Here are the thirte...

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