Biratan Porto

Ubiratan Nazareno Borges Porto (Biratan) is a professional cartoonist and a mandolin player. He was born in Belém of Par á, Brazil, o...

Ubiratan Nazareno Borges Porto (Biratan) is a professional cartoonist and a mandolin player. He was born in Belém of Par

á, Brazil, on 29 of October of 1950. He formed the Propaganda, for the Federal University of Pará. He has edited seven books of mood and his works published in U.S.A., Italy, Belgium and Holland. He won important halls of mood in Brazil and exterior. In 2002 he conquered the first prize in the International Cartoon Festival of Knokke-Heist,inBelgium. Biratan created the vignettes of five animations which the TV Globe shows in the intervals of its programs.

News: Second international cartoon contest and exhibition, Norway 2017


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