El Luiso
Luiso was born in Salta, Argentina, January 3 /1973. It published in the Salta la Risa, Nada de Nada , The Crack and the Basement, The Poi...


Luiso was born in Salta, Argentina, January 3 /1973. It published in the Salta la Risa, Nada de Nada , The Crack and the Basement, The Point, Jumbled River, Green Paunch, He Tastes, HumorSa; First International Sample of Humorists Graphic 1000 ja, ja like active member of FECO Argentina, Cultural Center Recoleta; First International Festival of Graphic Humor and Comic of the Passion Riverplatense, X Encounter National and XIV Federal Assembly of Argentinean Committees in the Exhibition of Humor of Designers of the World on Social Topics; Fancomics 2003; 29ª National Edition of the Fair of the Book, Mention of Honor in the Museum Henry Moor."
I organize the First National Encounter of Graphic Humorists Patagonia 2006, publishing co of the Magazine Chochan.
Mention of Honor in Pérez, Santa Fé, in the competition of The Flower; Selected in the International Competition of Graphic Humor and Vialidad, Santa Fé; Selected in the INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST I NUMERI- GRAND PRIX MARCOS BIASSONI; Selected in the 8ª International Competition Spirito I gave wine.
Mention of honor in Cartoon Contest “The Fire” of ProLoco Gallarate (Italy)
Selezionati per il concorso "Spirito di Vino 2007 and 2008" Friuli Venezia Giulia
Selected for the exhibition and catalogue of THE "HUMAN RIGHTS" PORTOCARTOON 2008
Selected in the book “SportHumor” of Emilio Isca (Italy)
Selected in the book “World Cartoon” of Bayram Hajizadeh (Azerbaiján)