Miguel Villalba Sánchez
Miguel Villalba Sánchez, aka "elchicotriste" (Tarragona 1972), is an illustrator, cartoonist, comic drawer, muralist and clini...
Miguel Villalba Sánchez, aka "elchicotriste" (Tarragona 1972), is an illustrator, cartoonist,
comic drawer, muralist and clinical psychologist. He has published in several newspapers
around the world such as universal post (Sunderland,UK), Il Tempo (Italy), El Triangle (Spain),
Le Monde (France), France Ouest (France), Cartoon Movement (Netherlands) and many others
from the ACPC (Catalan Press Association). Is currently publishing a daily cartoon in the digital
newspaper Tottarragona.cat (Spain), the comic magazine "El Còmic" (Spain),El web negre
(Spain), "Tentacles"(Spain) and others, also featuring shortfilm animations in the TV program
"Interes" (Spain) and TV3 (catalan TV)
He has received several prizes such as "Fundació Victor Mora"comic award, "SOS
Racisme","comicstrip contest Barcelona", “Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom-
UNESCO”, Digital data (Colombia) etc. and he's also member of CARTOONING FOR PEACE,
founder of the NGO "CARTOONISTS WITHOUT BORDERS" and of the comic fanzine
DELIRÓPOLIS Surrealismo y Arte secuencial" (www.deliropolis.com), also coordinator of the
"COMICART WEEK" in Tarragona (http://usuaris.tinet.org/starrago/)