Ramsés Morales
Born in Trinidad, Cuba. On october 4th, 1970. Graduated as graphic artist in 1996. Actually works as ilustrator in the Office of Cons...

Graduated as graphic artist in 1996.
Actually works as ilustrator in the Office of Conservation of Trinidad.
Has more than 15 solo expos and same number of collective shows.
His editorial cartoons are released in cuban and international press, like: Juventud Rebelde, Calle del Medio, la Picúa (Cuba). Humoris Causa, (Mexico). Mogamobo (Germany) Buduar, (Italy) among other digital medias european and american. He focus his graphic work mainly in social issues that affect the life in the international context. I a few words he can define himself as a poet using graphic images in a trouble world
Has been published five books, three graphic novels and two books of press cartoons, with drawings promoting human rights and the conservation of international cultural heritage.
Member of UNEAC (Union Nacional de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba).