Walter Toscano
Painter, caricaturist, illustrator, performer, producer of handmade dolls and Peruvian poet. Most recent awards are: Honorable Mentio...
Most recent awards are:
Honorable Mention in The 5th international "Smiling Cat" Cartoon Web Contest – 2012.
Honorable Mention en el International Caricature Web Contest, con la caricatura de Yuriy Kosobukin, Azerbaiján, 2013.
Grand Prize at the International "Öktemer Köksal" e-portrait exhibition, Don Quichotte, Turkey, 2013.
Jury member of "The first international cartoon and caricature, Cartoonmag, Iran, 2013."
Honorable Mention and Popular Jury Prize at the 40th International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba, Brazil, 2013.
First Prize in caricature in 18th Salon International Mercosur Diogenes Taborda, Argentina, 2013.
Second Prize in caricature in The 6th Fadjr International Festival of Visual Arts, Irán, 2014.
Finalist in the Adfesta International-Online Cartoon Festival-2013.
Second Prize in the 8th HumoDEVA International Cartoon Contest, Romania, 2014.
Third Place in the Second International Cartoon and Caricature Festival Cartoonmag / Iran / Bojnourd / 2014.
Special Prize in the 9th International Cartoon Contest SYRIA, 2014.
Second Prize in Caricature in the 2º International Contest of Humour Manaus, Brazil, 2014.
Prize Cámara de Vereadores in the 41th International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba, Brasil, 2014.
Honorable Mention in caricature in the18º Salón Mercosur Internacional Diógenes Taborda, Argentina, 2014.
Prize “100° Aniversario Julio Cortázar” in the18º Salón Mercosur Internacional Diógenes Taborda, Argentina, 2014.
Jury Member of the 21st International Festival of Caricatura Ricardo Rendón, Rionegro, Antioquia, Colombia, 2014.
Plaque of honor "for career achievement in the field of International Graphic Humor and valuable contribution in making people laugh with reflection to humanity", 21° International Festival of Caricature Ricardo Rendón, Rionegro, Antioquia, Colombia, 2014.
First Prize in Caricature, "Tribute to the master Arlés Herrera Calarcá", Colombia, 2014.
Third Prize in the BIG & BIGGEST PHILOSOPHERS - 19th and 20th Century - Nosorog RhinoCervs, Bosnia and Hercegovina (Republika Srpska), 2014.
Second Prize in the 13th International Humor Contest Caratinga, Brazil, 2015.