Pawel Kuczynski

I was born in 1976 in Szczecin. I have graduated Fine Arts Academy in Poznan with specialization in graphics. Since 2004 I deal with sa...

I was born in 1976 in Szczecin.
I have graduated Fine Arts Academy in Poznan with specialization in graphics.
Since 2004 I deal with satirical illustration,
and so far I have been rewarded with more than 100 prizes and distinctions.

In 2005 I received "Eryk" * prize from Association of Polish Cartoonists, for the newly discovered cartoonist, with a record number of awards in international competitions.

News: Second international cartoon contest and exhibition, Norway 2017


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I am happy to announce the name of results of "Freedom of Expression" International Cartoon Contest 2017. Here are the thirte...

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