Predrag Srbljanin
Biography: Born 1954 in the village Batrovci. In 1977 graduated at the Electrical Engineering College in Subotica. Worked as an Еnginee...
Born 1954 in the village Batrovci. In 1977 graduated at the Electrical Engineering College in Subotica. Worked as an Еngineer in Subotica and as a Тeacher in the High Technical School in Novi Sad.
Drawing cartoons from 1978 and has published in Yugoslav papers and magazines ( NIN, Osisani Jez, Politika Ekspres, Sremske Novine, … ).
Designed rock record covers and wrote lyrics for rock songs.
In 1993 published "Cook Book for Kids" ( lyrics and illustrations ). In 1998 illustrated second book lyrics for children.
In 1996 and 1997 participated at the Celebrate Exhibitions "The 80 Years of the Canard Enchaine ( Paris )", as a unique cartoonist from former Yugoslavia.
In 2004 pased the MENSA test ( IQ = 152 ).
Member of the Judging Committee Haifa 2011 and 2013.
Exhibitions: Omiya, Kamiyubetsu, Kyoto, Saint Just le Martel, Bree, Olen,
Knokke - Heist, Boechout, Kruishoutem, Trento, Marostica,
Salo, Foligno, Cuneo, Deventer, Rathdrum, Essen, Legnica,
Tehran, Istanbul, Haifa, Porto, Kyiv, Skopje, Taixing, Pisek,
Kragujevac, Kovin, Belgrade, Zemun, Novosibirsk, Kazan,
Hyderabad, Prešov, Athens, ... (Over 100 Exhibitions).
Awards : 1993 ~ Kamiyubetsu ( Japan ) - "Works of Special Merit"
1996 ~ Haifa ( Israel ) - "Excellent Prize"
1997 ~ Kovin ( Yugoslavia ) - "Special Diploma"
2002 ~ Taixing - FCW ( China ) - "Golden Award"
2006 ~ Prešov ( Slovakia ) - "Honorable Mention"
2007 ~ Shanghai - FCW ( China ) - "Success Award"
2007 ~ Nanjing - LM ( China ) - "Excellence Prize"
2011 ~ Kragujevac ( Serbia ) - "Salon Diploma"
2014 ~ Marostica ( Italy ) - International Award
"Umoristi a Marostica"