Born in 1949. Stabor is a professional cartoonist for 41 years. He works As a freelancer as a commentator and political cartoonist. ...
As a freelancer as a commentator and political cartoonist. He also works for several very prominent European magazines and newspapers such ,,NEBELSPALTER” ,,EULENSPIEGEL” etc.…In 1996.Stabor has been invited from ,,SEIKA” university (Kyoto, Japan)to be one of foreign lecturers at cartooning department the same faculty as one of 10 best cartoonist in the world in 1996.
The Turkish association of cartoonists proclaim Stabor for Ambassador of Cartoon in 1997.
Stabor is a member of CWS (Cartoonist Writers Syndicate, N.Y. USA).
Working over 40 years in the field of cartooning Stabor is an owner of more than 150 world important prizes for his work.
The most important prizes:
GOLDEN PENCIL, Legnica, Poland, 1986.
GRAND-PRIX, Montreal, Canada, 1986.
GOLDEN MEDAL, Semarang, Indonesia, 1986.
GOLDEN MEDAL, the YOMIURY SHIMBUN», Tokyo, Japan, 1987.
SILVER MEDAL, Seoul, South Korea, 1991.
GOLDEN MEDAL, the YOMIURI SHIMBUN», Tokyo, Japan, 1994.
GRAND-PRIX, Daeyon Expo, Seoul, South Korea, 1995.
ASAHI SHIMBUN PRIZE, Kyoto, Japan, 1996.
GOLDEN MEDAL, Seoul, South Korea, 1996.
GOLDEN MEDAL, the YOMIURI SHIMBUN”, Tokyo, Japan, 1997.
GRAND-PRIX, the NEW STATESMAN «London, U.K.1998.
SILVER TULIP,Eindhoven,Holland,1998.
GRAND-PRIX, Zemun, Yugoslavia (Serbia), 1998.
GRAND-PRIX, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O. China, 2002.
SILVER MEDAL, Porto, Portugal, 2004.
SILVER MEDAL, Beijing, R.O. China, 2006.
GOLDEN MEDAL, Legnica, Poland, 2007.
Stabor had six individual exhibitions so far:
Canadian embassy, Belgrade, 1985.
Montreal, GUY FEVRAU CENTER”, 1986.
,,STARA KAPETANIJA”,Zemun,Serbia, 1998.
MEDIA CENTER,Belgrade, 2000.
Gallery, SZTUKI”, Legnica, Poland, 2003.
Gallery, FORMA”, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2003.
Stabor was a member of the international board of jury’s a several times so far:
Montreal, 1987.
Knokke-Haist (Belgium), 1987.
Istanbul- 1988. and 2001.
Legnica, Poland, 2002.
Bursa (Turkey), 2004.
Skopje, FRO Macedonia, 2005.
Ankara, Turkey, 2014.
Deva (Romania), 2015
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