Konstantin Kazanchev
59 years old, high education. Date of Birth: 19.02.1956. I am engaged in cartoons since 1983. Up to 1989 has worked as an artist in mass ...

59 years old, high education. Date of Birth: 19.02.1956. I am engaged in cartoons since 1983. Up to 1989 has worked as an artist in mass media.
Sinse 1989 work in a field of printing industry and industrial design. A am a member of Union of Designers of Ukraine and Union of Journalists.
A am a prize-winner of 68 International Cartoon Exhibitions.
Chairman of the International Contest of Cartoons “Independence”.
The President of Association Ukraine caricaturists.
Sinse 1989 work in a field of printing industry and industrial design. A am a member of Union of Designers of Ukraine and Union of Journalists.
A am a prize-winner of 68 International Cartoon Exhibitions.
Chairman of the International Contest of Cartoons “Independence”.
The President of Association Ukraine caricaturists.
Website: www.kazanchev.com