Results of tOOns MaG International Cartoon contest 2016
I am happy to announce the name of results of tOOns MaG's first International Cartoon contest 2016. Our theme was Women's Righ...
I am happy to announce the name of results of tOOns MaG's first International Cartoon contest 2016.
Our theme was Women's Rights.
567 cartoonists from 79 countries have submitted 1625 cartoons.
It was great success, thanks to all participants. We appreciate your valuable contributions.
Award winning cartoons
Women Rights Catalog
Venue 1:
Lindtruppbakken 1,
1440 Drøbak, Norway
Participant list:
Photo from Exhibition:
Venue 2:
Opp. Ambedkar Park
Gomti Nagar, Lucknow
Uttar Pradesh, India
Participant list:
Photo from Exhibition:
Venue 3:
No. 1, Midford House
Midford garden,
Off M.G. Road
Bangalore – 560 001.
Karnataka, India
Participant list:
Photo from Exhibition:
Here is the twelve winners!
I will keep you informed about further exhibitions.
Best Regards.
Arifur Rahman
Publisher of tOOns MaG, Norway
Our theme was Women's Rights.
567 cartoonists from 79 countries have submitted 1625 cartoons.
It was great success, thanks to all participants. We appreciate your valuable contributions.
Award winning cartoons
Women Rights Catalog
Women's Rights- International Cartoon Exhibitions
Venue 1:Avistegnernes Hus
Opening 8th of March 6 pm (Norwegian time).Lindtruppbakken 1,
1440 Drøbak, Norway
Participant list:
Photo from Exhibition:
Venue 2:
Sheroes Hangout
Opening 8th of March 11 am (Indian time).Opp. Ambedkar Park
Gomti Nagar, Lucknow
Uttar Pradesh, India
Participant list:
Photo from Exhibition:
Venue 3:
Indian Institute of Cartoonists
Opening 5th of March 11 am (Indian time).No. 1, Midford House
Midford garden,
Off M.G. Road
Bangalore – 560 001.
Karnataka, India
Participant list:
Photo from Exhibition:
Here is the twelve winners!
I will keep you informed about further exhibitions.
Best Regards.
Arifur Rahman
Publisher of tOOns MaG, Norway
Marcin BondarowiczPoland First Prize
Nenad Ostojic NEOCroatia Second Prize
Reza Mokhtarjozani USA Third Prize
Zygmunt ZaradkiewiczPoland Honorable Mention
Mikhail Zlatkovsky Russia Honorable Mention
Osama HajjajJordan Honorable Mention
Sahar Ajami Iran Honorable Mention
Sajad Rafeei Iran Honorable Mention
Selói PetersBrazil Honorable Mention
Afri Diyansyah Indonesia Honorable Mention
Michel Kichka Israel Honorable Mention
Plantu France Honorable Mention
1. tOOns MaG First International Cartoon Contest 2016
2. Jury Members of tOOns MaG First International Cartoon Contest 2016
3. Participants list