Foundation "Imeon-Balkans" is organizing the 7th edition of the Cartoon Festival for Mail Art and Humorous Drawing under the p...
Foundation "Imeon-Balkans" is organizing the 7th edition of the Cartoon Festival for Mail Art and Humorous Drawing under the patronage of the Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications of Republic of Bulgaria.
General sponsor: Post Bank - Bulgaria.
The festival is open for all cartoonists and artists drawing humor from around the world.
• DESTINATION BALKANS, DESTINATION BULGARIA – The humor in the lives of the Balkan nations - yesterday, today and tomorrow.
• THEME OF THE GENERAL SPONSOR: DESTINATION FUTURE - THE FUTURE OF BANKING - mobile and internet banking, innovative technologies.
Competition program will run in to two sections:
1. Cartoon and humorous drawing related with the themes of the competition.
Parameters: mandatory size - A4 on cardboard, at least 160 g/m², originals or high quality digital copies with wet signature of the artist, with or without reworking on the digital overlay.
• 1st Prize - 500 € + statue and diploma
• 2nd prize - 300 € and diploma
• 3rd prize – 200 € and diploma
• 9 nominations with diploma
2. Post Art / Mail Art.
The cartoon must be drawn on an envelope in A4 size, which can be hand made, sent by traditional mail, and bearing all postal attributes (stamps and seals) of the country sender.
• Special Award
• 1st Prize - 500 € + statue and diploma
• 2nd prize - 300 € and diploma
• 3rd prize - 200 € and diploma
• 9 nominations with diploma
There are no restrictions on the number of sent cartoons and envelopes.
Deadline: August 16, 2016
Bulgaria, Sofia 1000
PO box 284
Entry form