Eshonkulov Makhmudjon
Born in 21.01.1958 in the village Telov in Beshariq district of Fergana province of Uzbekistan. Graduated from Tashkent State Pedagogic ...

The main Prizes are:
Gold Prize, Nanjing, China 2002; 1st Prize, Tokyo, Japan 2004; Silver Prize, Baku, Azerbaijan 2005; Bronze Prize, Damascus, Syria 2005; Golden Pencil Prize, Tashkent, Uzbekistan 2006; Golden Helmet Prize, Krusevac, Serbia 2006; 1st Prize, Piracicaba, Brazil 2006; Silver Prize, Nanjing, China 2006; 2nd Prize, Bursa, Turkey 2007; Gold Prize, Zagreb, Croatia 2007; Bronze Prize, Guangxi, China 2007; 2nd Prize, ”CafCaf” Istanbul, Turkey 2007; 2nd Prize, San Paulo, Brazil 2007; 1st Prize, Paracin, Serbia 2007; 3rd Prize, “Nature and Man” Istanbul, Turkey 2007-2008-2009; Bronze Prize, Shanghai, China 2007; 2nd Prize Vucje, Serbia 2008; 2nd and 3rd Prize Buenos Aires, Argentina 2008; 1st Prize, Rio De Jeneiro, Brazil 2009; 1st Prize, Tashkent, Uzbekistan 2009; 3rd Prize, Barcelona, Spain; 1st Prize, Campinas, Brazil 2009; 2nd Prize, San Paulo, Brazil 2009; 3rd Prize, Beijing, China 2010; 3rd Prize, San Paulo, Brazil 2010; 1st Prize, Tashkent, Uzbekistan 2011; 3rd Prize, Almaty, Kazakhstan 2011; 1st Prize, Osten, Macedonia 2011; 1st Prize, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2011; 3rd Prize, Almati, Kazakhstan 2012; 1st Prize Barcelona, Spain 2012; 2nd Prize Lagos, Nigeria 2012; 1st Prize , Istanbul, Turkey 2012; 3rd Prize, Brezno, Slovakia 2013; 2nd Prize, Tehran, Iran 2013; Copper Panda Prize, Beijing, China 2013; 1st Prize, Porto Alegre, Brazil 2014; 3rd Prize, Brugairolles, France 2014; 2rd Prize, Brezno, Slovakia 2015; Great Prize, Ploiesti, Romania 2015; 3rd Prize, Olen, Belgium; 2nd Prize, "The Cartoon Contest, connected with Railway” Moscow, Russia 2015; 2nd Prize, “Moscow, Russia 2015; 2nd Prize, Bangalore, India 2016; 2nd Prize, “The International Cartoon Contest Bride's Veneration” Theodore, Macedonia 2016; 1st Prize “Mostra Virtual Humor” Brazil 2016.
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