Definitions of Caricature
Caricature (noun) In art or literature, portrayal of an individual or thing that exaggerates and distorts prominent characteristics so...
Caricature (noun)
In art or literature, portrayal of an individual or thing that exaggerates and distorts prominent characteristics so as to make them appear ridiculous. Caricature is commonly a medium for satire.
A caricature of Pope Francis by Angineer Ang (Seoul, South Korea)
synonyms: cartoon, parody, satire, lampoon, burlesque, sendup, takeoff
Caricatured (verb)
make or give a comically or grotesquely exaggerated representation of (someone or something).He was caricatured on the cover of TV Guidesynonyms: parody, satirize, lampoon, make fun of, burlesque, mimic, send up, take off
noun- cartoon, parody, satire, lampoon, burlesque, sendup, takeoff
- imitation, impersonation
- parody, satirize, lampoon, make fun of, burlesque, mimic, send up, take off
- ape
- Moving on from his Hogarthian images of the early 1990s, the elements of caricature have disappeared, although he remains preoccupied with brutalisation.
- He plays the role well without every going over the top or becoming a caricature , and is creates an extremely sympathetic character.
- A caricature of Pope Francis.
- ‘It's just fun, almost a caricature version of rockabilly,’ adds the Gutter Demon's bassist Flipper.
- He looked like a caricature of his normal self.
Word Origin and History for Caricature
1748 (figurative), 1750 (literal), from French caricature (18c.), from Italian caricatura "satirical picture; an exaggeration," literally "an overloading," from caricare "to load, exaggerate," from Vulgar Latin carricare "to load a car". The Italian form had been used in English from 1680s and was common 18c.
1749, from caricature (n.). Related: Caricatured ; caricaturing.
Caricature of Pope Francis by Angineer Ang, Seoul, South Korea