"Don Julio Scherer" (1926-2015)
- "If the Devil offered me an interview, I'm going to Hell". A day like today, two years ago, passed away Julio Scherer, w...

- "If the Devil offered me an interview, I'm going to Hell".
A day like today, two years ago, passed away Julio Scherer, who was a mexican journalist and writer, director of the newspaper "Excelsior" from 1968 to 1976. He was founder of the weekly Proceso. Don Julio continues being a great reference in the journalism in Mexico.
Caricature by Antonio Rodriguez Garcia, from Mexico City, Mexico
A day like today, two years ago, passed away Julio Scherer, who was a mexican journalist and writer, director of the newspaper "Excelsior" from 1968 to 1976. He was founder of the weekly Proceso. Don Julio continues being a great reference in the journalism in Mexico.
Caricature by Antonio Rodriguez Garcia, from Mexico City, Mexico