1st International Organ Donation Cartoon Contest, Turkey
The international organ Donation Cartoon Contest is organized to take attention and creates awareness about organ donation on the global...

The international organ Donation Cartoon Contest is organized to take
attention and creates awareness about organ donation on the global scale.
• The Contest is open to the professional and amateur cartoonists from all
over the world.
• The Jury is composed of international members.The Jury will meet on May
2018 inTurkey.
• Theawardceremonyofthe1stInternationalOrganDonationCartoon
The contest will be organized in 1st July2018.Thevenuefortheaward
the ceremony will be announced.
Organized by: Turkish TransplantFoundation
Artistic Directorate: The Association of Cartoonist
Cooperation Organizations: Turkish Transplant Coordinators Association,
Liver Transplant Association, Health
Sciences University, International
Transplant Network.
1. Prize : 5 000 USD
2. Prize : 3 000 USD
3. Prize : 2 000 USD
Encouragement Award 1: 1 000 USD
Encouragement Award 2: 1 000 USD
Encouragement Award 3: 1 000 USD
Encouragement Award 4: 1 000 USD
Encouragement Award 5: 1 000 USD
Submission Deadline: May 15, 2018
Evaluation of the Selected Committee: 16-20 May 2018
Announcement of Prize Winners: May 25, 2018
1. Participants will draw about organ donation.
2. Participants will submit the original copies of their cartoons. Cartoons
sent as printouts should bear original signatures of participants.
Photographs, photocopies, etc. will not be accepted.
3. Size of cartoons should be A3 (29,7 x 42 cm) or A4 (29,7 x 21cm).
4. The participation form is attached or published on www.tonv.org.tr,
participants will send their cartoons together with a short curriculum
vitae and a photograph of them to the following address: Türkiye Organ
Nakli Vakfı 52. Sokak 5/9 Beşevler-Ankara/Turkey. Information about the
shipment firms will be announced on the website.
5. The caricaturists have to write their names and surnames, address,
the telephone number and their countries with capital letters on the back of
their works.
6. Turkish Transplant Foundation will not be responsible for any damage
that may occur during postage or for any late delivery of cartoons.
7. Award-winning cartoons will not be returned to participants.
8. By completing the participation form, the participant beforehand
declares and accepts that he/she is the author of his/her cartoon(s)to be
submitted to the Contest; that he/she grants the license in the form of
non-exclusive simple license to Turkish Transplant Foundation without
any limitations on location, time period and number including
assignment to third parties in relation to the usage rights of financial
rights such as processing, duplication, distribution, representation,
indication and transmission to the public via audio and/or visual means as
defined under the provisions of the Articles 21-25 of the Law No. 5846 on
Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Works; and that he/she gives consent to
Turkish Transplant Foundation to exhibit such cartoon(s), to keep them in
its archives, to duplicate and publish them on the Internet or through
other media and to use them in any other way without any limitations.
9. Where the cartoon(s) to be submitted to the Contest wins a rank
and/or a prize; the participant beforehand declares and accepts that
he/she is the author of his/her rank and/or prize-winning cartoon(s) and
that he/she transfers ownership of the original or the copy of cartoon,
submitted to the Contest, to Turkish Transplant Foundation; that he/she
transfers the financial rights such as processing, duplication, distribution,
representation, indication, and transmission to the public via audio and/or
visual means he/she holds over the cartoon(s) to Turkish Transplant
Foundation without any limitations on location, time period and number
including assignment to third parties under the provisions of the Articles
21-25 of the Law No. 5846 on Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Work; that
he/she gives consent to Turkish Transplant Foundation to exhibit such cartoon(s), to keep them in its archives, to publish them on the Internet
or through other media and to use them in any other way without any
limitations; that he/she does not have any right of disposition over the
financial rights subject to transfer and thus will not enter into any
transactions with third parties in relation to transferred financial rights.
10. The participant accepts and declares that the information included on
the participation form completed for the Contest participants will be
purposes within the framework of the International Cartoon Contest of
Turkish Transplant Foundation in accordance with the Personal Data
Protection Law number 6698; that even if the application fails, the
personal data will be kept by Turkish Transplant Foundation for the period
of time set forth by the legislation; that the information related to
Contest participants will be shared with the jury, press and media organs
and other relevant parties; that where a prize is won or where the cartoon is
published, his/her information as being the author of such cartoon will be
shared with the public; and that he/she is provided with required
information in this regard.
• The participant accepts and declares that he/she has been informed
before participating in the Contest that he/she can learn his/her rights
about his/her personal data and possible modifications processing of
this data from www.tonv.org.tr;
• That where he/she has any request for processing of his/her personal
data by Turkish Transplant Foundation, he/she can send such request in
written with original signature to the address of Türkiye Organ Nakli Vakfı
52.Sokak 5/9 Beşevler-ANKARA/TURKEY
• That he/she will provide clear and comprehensible information related
to the right he/she requests to use during the application to be made;
that he/she will certify his/her identity during the application to prove
that the applicant is the relevant person and will send his/her
identification information together with the application; and that it will
be required to share also his/her contact information to receive the result
of the application; and that he/she has been informed about all of these
issues before participating in the Contest.
11. Turkish Transplant Foundation will cover travel and accommodation
expenses of the first, second and third prize-winning and 5
encouragement prize competitors for the award ceremony.
12. Cartoons that have not received any awards will be returned to their
owners upon written application to the Turkish Transplant Foundation
within 1 year. The responsibility of the Turkish Transplant Foundation
ends after this period.
13. The deadline for participation is 15 May 2018, Tuesday
14. Jury members cannot participate the Contest in the same year they
act as a jury member.
attention and creates awareness about organ donation on the global scale.
• The Contest is open to the professional and amateur cartoonists from all
over the world.
• The Jury is composed of international members.The Jury will meet on May
2018 inTurkey.
• Theawardceremonyofthe1stInternationalOrganDonationCartoon
The contest will be organized in 1st July2018.Thevenuefortheaward
the ceremony will be announced.
Organized by: Turkish TransplantFoundation
Artistic Directorate: The Association of Cartoonist
Cooperation Organizations: Turkish Transplant Coordinators Association,
Liver Transplant Association, Health
Sciences University, International
Transplant Network.
1. Prize : 5 000 USD
2. Prize : 3 000 USD
3. Prize : 2 000 USD
Encouragement Award 1: 1 000 USD
Encouragement Award 2: 1 000 USD
Encouragement Award 3: 1 000 USD
Encouragement Award 4: 1 000 USD
Encouragement Award 5: 1 000 USD
Submission Deadline: May 15, 2018
Evaluation of the Selected Committee: 16-20 May 2018
Announcement of Prize Winners: May 25, 2018
1. Participants will draw about organ donation.
2. Participants will submit the original copies of their cartoons. Cartoons
sent as printouts should bear original signatures of participants.
Photographs, photocopies, etc. will not be accepted.
3. Size of cartoons should be A3 (29,7 x 42 cm) or A4 (29,7 x 21cm).
4. The participation form is attached or published on www.tonv.org.tr,
participants will send their cartoons together with a short curriculum
vitae and a photograph of them to the following address: Türkiye Organ
Nakli Vakfı 52. Sokak 5/9 Beşevler-Ankara/Turkey. Information about the
shipment firms will be announced on the website.
5. The caricaturists have to write their names and surnames, address,
the telephone number and their countries with capital letters on the back of
their works.
6. Turkish Transplant Foundation will not be responsible for any damage
that may occur during postage or for any late delivery of cartoons.
7. Award-winning cartoons will not be returned to participants.
8. By completing the participation form, the participant beforehand
declares and accepts that he/she is the author of his/her cartoon(s)to be
submitted to the Contest; that he/she grants the license in the form of
non-exclusive simple license to Turkish Transplant Foundation without
any limitations on location, time period and number including
assignment to third parties in relation to the usage rights of financial
rights such as processing, duplication, distribution, representation,
indication and transmission to the public via audio and/or visual means as
defined under the provisions of the Articles 21-25 of the Law No. 5846 on
Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Works; and that he/she gives consent to
Turkish Transplant Foundation to exhibit such cartoon(s), to keep them in
its archives, to duplicate and publish them on the Internet or through
other media and to use them in any other way without any limitations.
9. Where the cartoon(s) to be submitted to the Contest wins a rank
and/or a prize; the participant beforehand declares and accepts that
he/she is the author of his/her rank and/or prize-winning cartoon(s) and
that he/she transfers ownership of the original or the copy of cartoon,
submitted to the Contest, to Turkish Transplant Foundation; that he/she
transfers the financial rights such as processing, duplication, distribution,
representation, indication, and transmission to the public via audio and/or
visual means he/she holds over the cartoon(s) to Turkish Transplant
Foundation without any limitations on location, time period and number
including assignment to third parties under the provisions of the Articles
21-25 of the Law No. 5846 on Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Work; that
he/she gives consent to Turkish Transplant Foundation to exhibit such cartoon(s), to keep them in its archives, to publish them on the Internet
or through other media and to use them in any other way without any
limitations; that he/she does not have any right of disposition over the
financial rights subject to transfer and thus will not enter into any
transactions with third parties in relation to transferred financial rights.
10. The participant accepts and declares that the information included on
the participation form completed for the Contest participants will be
purposes within the framework of the International Cartoon Contest of
Turkish Transplant Foundation in accordance with the Personal Data
Protection Law number 6698; that even if the application fails, the
personal data will be kept by Turkish Transplant Foundation for the period
of time set forth by the legislation; that the information related to
Contest participants will be shared with the jury, press and media organs
and other relevant parties; that where a prize is won or where the cartoon is
published, his/her information as being the author of such cartoon will be
shared with the public; and that he/she is provided with required
information in this regard.
• The participant accepts and declares that he/she has been informed
before participating in the Contest that he/she can learn his/her rights
about his/her personal data and possible modifications processing of
this data from www.tonv.org.tr;
• That where he/she has any request for processing of his/her personal
data by Turkish Transplant Foundation, he/she can send such request in
written with original signature to the address of Türkiye Organ Nakli Vakfı
52.Sokak 5/9 Beşevler-ANKARA/TURKEY
• That he/she will provide clear and comprehensible information related
to the right he/she requests to use during the application to be made;
that he/she will certify his/her identity during the application to prove
that the applicant is the relevant person and will send his/her
identification information together with the application; and that it will
be required to share also his/her contact information to receive the result
of the application; and that he/she has been informed about all of these
issues before participating in the Contest.
11. Turkish Transplant Foundation will cover travel and accommodation
expenses of the first, second and third prize-winning and 5
encouragement prize competitors for the award ceremony.
12. Cartoons that have not received any awards will be returned to their
owners upon written application to the Turkish Transplant Foundation
within 1 year. The responsibility of the Turkish Transplant Foundation
ends after this period.
13. The deadline for participation is 15 May 2018, Tuesday
14. Jury members cannot participate the Contest in the same year they
act as a jury member.