Omar Pérez
Omar Pérez (Omar) Villa María, Córdoba. Argentina (1956). Graduate of Fine Arts. Cartoonist, illustrator, cartoonist and graphic des...
Omar Pérez (Omar)
Villa María, Córdoba. Argentina
Graduate of Fine Arts. Cartoonist,
illustrator, cartoonist and graphic designer.
In 1980 shows his first works in
Hortensia. Collaborates with several
Argentine publications: Noticias, El Diario, Puntal Diario, El País, Río
Revuelto, The Garrotazo, Impulso, ...
Since 1989 lives in Spain, working
in most of the Galician newspaper La Voz de Galicia, Orense diario, Xornal
diario, Diario 16, La Región...
I have attended and participated
in exhibitions and shows around the world. Also in live exhibitions of
Individual exhibitions in
Argentina, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy.
King of Humor in Italy 2011.
Invited as jury in Spain,
Portugal, Turkey...
My work: