Alisson Ortiz Affonso

Alisson Affonso was born on April 23, 1979, was born in Rio Grande, city of residence. It holds a BA in Visual Arts by FURG, and conducts...

Alisson Affonso was born on April 23, 1979, was born in Rio Grande, city of residence. It holds a BA in Visual Arts by FURG, and conducts research with the Termites group of engraving, as well as monitoring the activities of Drawing the Human Figure, in the Course of Visual Arts Bachelor of FURG.
Fish Fry was the newspaper editor, and the journal IDEA currently edits the Comic Book PLATFORM HQ.
It was awarded in Paraguaçu Paulista Humor Salon, International Exhibition design for the Press, Animarte RJ, Animamundi, Strips Contest humorous GAG, Angelo Agostini Prize and Cerquilho Mood Lounge.
He exhibited in Saint-Jus-le-Martel, France, Dessinateurs brésiliens.

News: Second international cartoon contest and exhibition, Norway 2017


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