The results of the 3rd international competition of satirical drawings "Jmelik"
The results of the 3rd international competition of satirical drawings "Jmelik". Competition jury: Alexander Kizima (director of K...
The results of the 3rd international competition of satirical drawings "Jmelik".
Competition jury: Alexander Kizima (director of KP Dolina-Invest, Dolina), Yuri Freyev (artist, musician, local historian, Dolina), Evgeny Samoilov (artist, cartoonist, Poltava). Mikola Dmitrukh (Honored Artist of Ukraine, Ternopil), Konstantin Kazanchev (cartoonist, designer).
Russia -Ігор Пащенко
Iran - Hamid Ghalijari
Russia - Valeri Tarasenko
Bulgaria - Ivailo Tsvetkov
Iran - Mehdi Afradi
Uzbekistan - Makhmud Eshonqulov
Україана - Сергій Сємєндяєв
Україна - Андрій Саєнко
Україна - Лариса Шапошниченко
Україна -Olexander Dubovskyi
Україна- Ігор Талалай
Winners (adult category):
Grand Prix: Ivaylo Tsvetkov, Bulgaria
1st place: Igor Pashchenko, Russia
2nd place: Igor Talalay, Ukraine
3rd place: Dubovsky Alexander, Ukraine
Semendyaev Sergey, Ukraine
Hamid Ghalijari, Iran
Andrey Saenko, Ukraine
Larisa Shaposhnichenko, Ukraine
Makhmud Eshonqulov, Uzbekistan
Mehdi Afradi, Iran
Cartoon Association Diploma:
Valeri Tarasenko (Russia)
Laureates in two children's categories:
Shortly, the competition website will be posted on the Association’s website (
Congratulations to the winners! Thanks to the participants!
Konstantin Kazanchev (
Chairman of the jury, President of the Association of Ukrainian Cartoonists